
Search "user:primetime"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess Accessibility Mode?#1

A family member of mine would like to play chess, but cannot see well or move a mouse very easily. I searched online and see articles mentioning Lichess being accessible and even mentions of an "Enabl…

Lichess Feedback - To the developers#5

me too

Lichess Feedback - Feedback on the new game chooser interface#99

The graph is great - thanks for implementing it!

Lichess Feedback - cancel all outstanding game requests once player starts a game#2

ok maybe it's less than a quarter of my games that end this way, but you still have to wait like 15 seconds before you can safely abort which is a little annoying...

Lichess Feedback - cancel all outstanding game requests once player starts a game#1

it seems like somehow people create multiple game requests that remain alive even after one of those games begins and the player is no longer available to participate in the rest. as a result there ar…

Lichess Feedback - You Need a More Reliable Way to Select Games + Please Fix This Glitch#7

This site is great, but the issue where the pieces hang after a loss on time does happen for me too. It's usually clear who won though so not a big deal. I'm on chrome and flash is up to date...

Lichess Feedback - Play with registered friends#4

I agree that an easier way to start a match with a registered friend would be nice. Also really like the site too!
