
You Need a More Reliable Way to Select Games + Please Fix This Glitch

I'm tired of trying to get into a game I want to play, and then all of the sudden, the list of games to choose from extends and I pick the wrong game.
Also, there's a glitch when the game ends on time. The pieces just hang there and you have to refresh the page to see the result of the game.
not seeing either of those glitches. what configuration (hardware/software) are you using? is your flash up to date?
Flash is up-to-date. I don't even think Lichess uses Flash though, just JS.

I'm also on Chrome.

I only mentioned 1 glitch - my first statement is merely a criticism of an existing feature.
yes, the existing feature (as you descibe it) is not working so well and perhaps that's an unintended glitch. though, how else should the site update fresh seek ads?

I suppose new ads could be tacked onto the bottom but eventually the older ads do have to shift about to allow for takers matching up with players. I suppose it's mostly a consequence of the "list" aspect which has gotta be shifting irregularly (vs the common alternative of a 'seek graph' of seek ad 'dots')
This site is great, but the issue where the pieces hang after a loss on time does happen for me too. It's usually clear who won though so not a big deal. I'm on chrome and flash is up to date...

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