
Search "user:JakeTarallo"

19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Finding a way to play Classical Chess#4

I also haven't played any standard games on here lately, so I reckon it's ~100 points under where it should be. But yeah, if you're interested, send a pm. It'd be nice to get practice against a strong…

General Chess Discussion - Finding a way to play Classical Chess#2

Not sure if I'm strong enough, but if you'd like to have a long chess training partner, I am available. I'm looking to start tournament play soon.

Lichess Feedback - Option to not play computer assisted players in casual games#4

I agree wholeheartedly. :)

General Chess Discussion - Takebacks#7

Chess is a fight between humans. Blunders will come from anybody and it is our duty to exploit them in order to win. Giving takebacks is also unethical, as a person needs to learn to accept their mist…

Lichess Feedback - Option to not play computer assisted players in casual games#2

Just put your curser over their name and in the box that pops up, it tells you if they use computer assistance.

General Chess Discussion - Takebacks#5

Takebacks for obvious mouseslips that wouldn't have happened irl.

General Chess Discussion - Simul#1

Looking to get a small simul in, so please join in!

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles#1

Okay, so this new study tool is fantastic and I cannot wait to implement it. I recently did the tactics trainer on here for the first time in a while and was not very happy with the route taken. I did…

Lichess Feedback - Games when site goes down#1

These games should all be automatically aborted. I lost a winning game on time out because the site went down.
