

Here's an ancient Greek riddle that I found in the footnotes in Plato's Republic:

A man not a man saw and did not see a bird not a bird sitting on a stick not a stick and hit it with a stone not a stone.
> A man not a man saw and did not see a bird not a bird sitting on a stick not a stick and hit it with a stone not a stone.

What's the answer?
"'Long ago Chuang Chou dreamed he was a butterfly. He was very joyful as a butterfly, well pleased with his lot, his aims fulfilled. He knew nothing of Chou the man. But shortly he awoke and found himself again to be Chuang Chou. And he could not tell whether as Chou he had dreamed he was a butterfly or whether as a butterfly he had dreamed he was Chou.'" - Young Caine reading from a "400 year old scroll taken from the seventh original" (from the end of Chapter 2 of CHUANG TZU)
Must have some really deep meaning.
Maybe... the man is a normal male human, and "not a man" is "not a vassal"
The saw is actually "to see" meaning" to discern, to perceive. and the "did not see" is did not meet, did not interview each other.
A bird is a normal bird, the flying animal, a fowl, and "not a bird" must be referencing a person of a specific kind.
A stick, like the stick of a tree, and "not a stick" like a ninja staff.
A stone, like a normal stone, a basic rock, and "not a stone" means not a meteorite, because it technically doesn't contain only stone.

The meaning isn't always what it _seemed_ to be.

So my answer is; A mirage.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Aight, the answer is:

A eunuch caught a glimpse of a bat sitting on a reed and hit it with a piece of pumice

I don't like this particular riddle because it seems ambiguous. Maybe it would make more sense in Greek...
@MrPushwood said in #9:
> I'd say the problem was more that it was utterly pointless.
Yeah I don't speak greek so I just made assumptions.

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