
Why are there less Crazyhouse Arenas YET AGAIN??

The most important thing i miss is 13-00 Moscow time ZH 3+1 tourney.
I need some ZH this time.
I think there are generally not enough arenas with increment, even 5+0 variant arenas can end in a flagging battle.

Lichess should run 4 variant arenas at the same time (1 or 2 of theese with increment)
As far as i understand the limit is only due to the calendar getting too crowded and for some reason "does not support" more than N items - unclear to me what exactly is the cause of this limitation though - the Gantt chart html component that is used looks too ugly or something else?

This I gathered from reading the comments in the github issue that @Marlonc created (

Is there any other reason for having to spread out tournaments for each variant - I would find it very surprising if it is actually due to limited servers capacity or anything similar?

Seems to me more like a side effect of an ill conceived unilateral decision made by one developer while his focus was on another task (adding new tournaments for other variants) who decided they don't want to fix the issues with the Gantt chart (aka Calendar) or decided subjectively it looks too ugly and space is limited and so instead removed existing tournaments.

If that is the case, maybe the decision to add more items to the Calendar should have been made after the Calendar feature was improved to support more items and not at expense of existing items?


IMHO community organized schedules are a great idea, but while I am not familiar with what @pepellou is talking about that teams thing, my impression is that lichess does not currently support enough tools/infrastructure to allow communities to organize and promote tournaments easily. If proper tools existed I would even suggest ALL (hourly/daily/weekly/whatever) tournaments to be organized bottom up by communities and not "coded" top-down by developers whose focus is usually on completely different things and "do not care about one variant or another".

Currently however if a communitiy organized event is only promoted within the existing members of this community this will only lead to capsulation. As someone already mentioned - hourly tournaments are the gateways to these communities.


It is also unclear to me what is the decision making process that lead to the current problem (again i have described what my guess is above), and what is the decision making process that would get us to fix it?

Creating a github issue is ok, but who to assign it to? Who is the decision maker? Obviously the one who responded there "does not care either way" (which is totally fine). So who is the person responsible for these decisions that this whole process should have been addressed to ( @TBest , @Toadofsky , @thibault ? )

I would happily volunteer time and effort to learning scala+typescript+lichess codebase and to fixing whatever limitation causes the current hassle, but would do that only if I have understanding who makes what decision and what should the expected behaviour of the app should be, so i know if i do something it would not be a waste of time, because "no one wanted it" or "someone already fixed it" (admitting i say that while i haven't actually googled for any developer's resources and info about organization etc.)
This is probably mostly an issue of volunteer computer programming, as LICHESS is largely open source. Racing Kings has an active team community with regular tournaments even before LICHESS added more than the daily, and if you pre-register for a team tournament is does in fact appear in the Gnatt chart, and we even get a reminder of tournaments we pre-entered, and some teams send out messages,...,
Basically comes down to people doing thankless work, making teams, sending messages, programming,..., and many times there is a disconnect between the players and the promoters of chess usually with different motives.
@Doooovid Trust me in professional computer programming same things happen all the time. That is why i emphasized on the "decision making process" and how conscious this decision was made, to cut down the tournaments as if they are just a box in a chart that doesn't fit someone's aesthetics.

I don't blame whoever did it, because that is probably their main focus - the web app and that all looks and feels nice application-wise and is not "too big". But my 2 cents are, there should be someone else involved in those decisions, who is not a programmer and who thinks through the eyes of users and how those things affect the communities.

At least that is what my impression so far is of what caused all this pain.

I really hope lichess team decides they can sacrifices a few more pixels for a couple more lines in the calendar and bring back the zh tournaments, instead of sacrificing the experience of the zh community to save pixels.
Unless there is actually a real reason for cutting down the tournaments, that i am still missing.
I greatly miss the days of continual zhouse arenas all day long :( I was able to waste so much more time. For a general page.

"If proper tools existed I would even suggest ALL (hourly/daily/weekly/whatever) tournaments to be organized bottom up by communities and not "coded" top-down by developers"

The API, , has everything and more you need in terms of that. For example it's used here and by many other teams.

"Who is the decision maker?"
If you want to work on an issue, it's general advised to ask in Discord if there are things you should be aware off. Thibault ( ornicar on github) is the maintainer of the Repo.

In general PR's are welcome and is how to set it up. As far as possible, I believe the devs try to have all discussions that can be public in Discord. Check out #how-to-setup-lila and #general-programing. There is also #api-bots-boards if you want to go the API route.

Maybe didn't pick the correct words. By tools/infrastructure, i meant end-user facing infrastructure (ui) where users of lichess can organize and create a schedule by themselves via some voting or i don't know what kind of process and which is promoted on the front page as "official" schedule.

In general some more sophisticated way to organize, filter, subscribe and promote such tournaments bottom-up so it can replace the top-down way in which the schedule is determined now and which requires coders to code, instead of leaving it to the community entirely.

But i mean entirely within lichess - not as a 3rd party service or whatever, that would benefit from the API you are referring me to.

Can team please add again many ZH tournaments same 2 years ago, every hour is good.

Thank you.

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