
The King of Confusion

In case of en passant: If we point it out to ourselves that we reeaally take the pawn when it is passing, just cannot actually take it in passing, because it is unclear if it is passing until it was released.. then it is clear, if we want to have taken it in passing, we have to correct the time line immediately. We could not take it in passing, because it was still held and moved by our opponent's hand. As soon as this excuse and uncertainty no longer are given we can decide whether we want to take en passant or not. There is no earlier moment to do it and no later moment. By capturing en passant or not, we decide if we let a pawn pass to a square where it is no longer takeable or rather not. -Terrible :)

To illustrate castling, let's look at the time before castling, when there was a king's leap, and the players looked for the best place to stow away their kings. Say it was most beneficial to move away knight and bishop, bring the rook to the king and use the king's leap to jump over the rook to the wing. When this became a single move, for disambiguation from a simple rook move, the castling move order began with the king's leap. But how did this disambiguate from a simple king's leap? It didn't, the king's leap was abandoned and now the king is moving two squares and the rook is jumping :)

The most difficult about the three-fold is that it is really draw by two-fold repetition ;(

#5 I agree, the trio checkmate, stalemate and king en prise is difficult as well

#7 When Beck sang 'I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me' our own Kristof Schreuf used half the line "Ich bin lose, Baby"- 'I'm a loose one' ;D Today the song, 'schick erkälten'- 'catching a cold in style', could be a nice spit-on-corona song, but it's not anywhere online, yet.

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