
I stopped eating sugar and I started blundering ?!

Eat carbs if you wanna give up sugar. Your body will change it into sugar but more slowly, so it will be healthy plus your brain will have the fuel it needs.
#21 If you have a way of eating sugar without eating carbs then I think you have the successor to the Atkins diet :-p

Seriously though, I quote from the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine:

"There is no such thing as a good or bad *food*, only a good or bad *diet*."
Fruit sugar doesn’t help your brain only starch or other carbohydrates
@IKCivas of course it won’t , but staying in calloric deficit will force the body to burn some fat. I’m counting my calories and foods heigh in sugar have too many calories. Once I drop 4-5 kg, I’m gonna get back to normal eating habits (my eating habits are not that bad, just the COVID 19 lockdown last year prevented me from being as active, as I used to be in the past)
It seems like your chess abilities would have adjusted to your diet in less than a month if your current diet was healthy.
I hope you are still allowing yourself enough complex carbs. Additionally I believe it's healthy to eat some naturally sweet foods, like fruit and low-fat dairy, if you can digest that.
#27 I don't disagree with anything you say, but I personally avoid anything labelled as low fat except maybe plain milk, because when they take out the fat they take out the flavour, so then they add in sugar (empty calories) and salt.

Worse, the low fat product doesn't satiate your hunger like the normal fat version does, so you're tempted to eat more, and worse still, you think, that's fine, because it's low fat, but with the added sugar, it's not low calorie. (that's a lot of commas. I was tempted to add in more commas for fun, I'm not a great writer :( )
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All you need to do is to imagine the enemy's pieces are chocolate candies, i'm sure that will bring those ladder points back home where they belong.

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