
2600 Puzzle Rating

There are people who have 2800 puzzle rating and 1500 live chess rating. :)
I think time is just the biggest factor when it comes to solving puzzles, although there are some that I just don't get sometimes. Sometimes, you'll see this opportunity for a knight fork, only to miss a clear mate in three. There's also a psychological aspect of puzzle design that's unrealistic in games. For example, I think a disproportionate number of puzzles stress sacrificing the queen. Most importantly, the most likely reason an honest player would be really good at puzzles but not as good at matches is because of blunders. I'd have to analyze the poster's games, but I'm guessing he blunders a lot. God knows I blunder when I lose focus. Then again, I think a lot of us like to play Chess in the first place for mental training to improve our focus and attention spans.
I think he is clearly cheating, because if you check the moves he is making in the puzzles, they match the engine output consistently! ;)
Everyone who passed the puzzles are exactly identical to engine moves. :)
In the case of Fide Rating- 2400-2600 are where most Senior Masters (SMs), International Masters (IMs), and Grandmasters (GMs) are rated. 2300-2400 is the ratings for most FIDE Masters (FMs). 2200-2300 are ratings where you'll find most National Masters (NMs) and FIDE Candidate Masters (CMs). 2000-2200 is considered Expert.
@LionelMessi2007 Congrats for passing that rating, puzzles are great and your puzzle rating is very nice, play and analyze your games. I believe you cause i myself have seen 1800 players with 2587 puzzle ratings, you are doing great!! you can be a master easily if you keep working on all aspects of your chess.. And don't play bullet or blitz, rapid and classical are the way to improve if you are serious about it.. and of course anaylyzing, and learning new things. just go for it. you are 13 and your rating is very good.Go for it :)

And to answer your question, puzzle rating is not representative of your real rating... You need to be good at all aspects of chess to be a good player, but tactical ability plays a big part :).

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