
2600 Puzzle Rating

It's completely possible to get a very high puzzle rating without cheating but not 22 correct puzzles a day at 2600 unless you're a very strong player. I'm thinking the OP didn't realize we can see his activity history when he posted this....
Btw you don't need to set up the position in a chess engine all you need to do is click on the link that takes you to the game from which the puzzle was taken...easy.
agreed with #20.

By the way, what is up with so many accounts with almost no games posting in the forums nonstop???
ha ha! is the OP posting a joke? ha ha................................................. oh,..............ha ha..................

ha ha...


ho ho........i needed to change from ha ho ho...........

ho. tired of laffing now. but some of these posts are too much. i liked the one 'can i become a GM in a year if i try super duper hard...'
"How much harder will it be to get a FIDE rating of 2600?"

Precisely 2600 times harder!

But if you intend on achieving a 2600 FIDE rating the same way you achieved a 2600 puzzle rating, it won't be hard at all!
I dont like to cheat I want to see me improve I will be very proud if I do

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