
Puzzles not counting in Theme/Theme Rating

I've been trying to improve my Double Bishop Mate Score (For simplicity I'll further refer to it as DBM) and noticed that category hardly counts my puzzles in that area. It says I've only done 188 puzzles in that area, when I've done far more (I've been doing about 40 a day for like the past week and had previously done around 100). When I last worked on this skill (A few months ago maybe?) I ended up with a rating of about 1700. When I started doing the puzzles again, I was rated 1300, and then it dropped to 902. I thought this was weird because I have pretty good accuracy, maybe missing an average of 5 puzzles every day. I even tried to put the rating to Hardest and had the same issue. My theory is the puzzles are being counted somewhere else, as when I check other sections after only doing DBM I have puzzles to redo in other categories, but not in DBM. This is upsetting to me obviously because it dropped my rating in DBM but also my general puzzle rating. Is there something I can do to fix this?