
Lichess Followers

@hendrixmaine said in #24:
> I actually use(d) the followers/following button to go to other profiles without having to search it up. I mean, there's a reason I follow somebody.
I am soooooooo agree with you.
I hate when people just try to reach more followers, but this future makes searching and finding people so hard. I mean one day I found one of my old friend account just by searching my other friends' followers so I really disagree with this future
Looks like they removed the /followers link anyways (as I expected) so Defeatchampion88's point is now void.
@hendrixmaine said in #38:
> They have now added a friends link in profiles it seems.
But that shows who we follow. And it's in the bottom so no one can see. Friends means WHO WE follow not WHO FOLLOW US.

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