
Intrusive messages from lichess

@Shakki987 said in #1:
> Can not remove or block lichess and their messages will always remain at the top of the inbox. Please leave me alone. Not being able to remove the blogs that are basically advertisement from the front page is one thing but this is too much. Please stop messaging me and focus on improving the site instead. We still can't control which way the horsey faces when playing. When playing otb u can choose which way the horsey faces but not on lichess. The horsey always faces left on lichess. It is disturbing when trying to focus on the game and gives left handed players an unfair advantage. Right clicking the horsey should change the way it faces. Not everyone are left handed. Please fix this.
It all started on a serious note as I reckon and then transformed into a ridiculous joke as it seems.
I don't remember if we can block @)Lichess but their message isn’t at top in my inbox. Don't know why it's the case with you. Plus, Lichess doesn't message always, they do so on some occasions. And since you are Lichess user, you are bound to receive message from them.
In all, online chess and OTB chess are very different for reason. Either play one of those accordingly or don't complain.
As a leftie, I don't think I am any psychological advantage with knights. Rather the opposite: If my knight is facing right (like in OTB) then it appears that my stats are better in that case actually. So, (if any) psychological advantage lies with right handed ones.
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