
Lichess to FIDE rating converter

@kasparovbab said in #30:
> You're funny !! You really want to compare @Sarg0n to Carlsen ?
> The answer is they are unique.
> @Alientcp


If you did not understood at all, here is a summary, try to read it slowly. Im trying to stop you from comparing Carlsen to Sarg0n. You are the one prone to do that mistake, Im trying to prevent it.

Nor I am Implying Sarg0n is average, but he is not elite, the idea still applies. You shouldnt use the same ruler.
Why don't we just read what Lichess has to say about their ratings and the attempts to compare them to other rating systems?

We are comparing a rating that in most cases is derived from a big number of Blitz games and a much smaller number of rapid games, calculated with a modern algorithm from a giant pool of players (Lichess) with a rating that is based solely on classical OTB games from a much smaller pool of players and with a relatively ancient algorithm (FIDE Elo). And this comparison is made with another algorithm that some guy on the internet developed and adjusted to a very small sample of players.

How could anyone come to the conclusion that this comparison is able to produce reliable results? Because it can't. And it doesn't.
Some people are soo serious ... One chance I wrote ''Just for fun '' a little joke for you guys ...

Where does a Christmas Tree sit on a number line?

Between a Christmas Two and a Christmas Four!
This converter is really really bad. Maybe it works for 1400s but certainly not for 2000+.
It’s pretty usual to predict such correlated data within a certain interval and a certain probability.

So basically it‘s ok but not very precise.
@EwoudUtrecht said in #4:
> "I know a lichess user who has a 1300 Fide and 2100 lichess blitz and 1950 lichess rapid."
> that's most likely because they didnt play OTB for a long time, due to COVID.
And i know a player who has 1300 fide but a really high 2700 in lichess
i am a elite rapid player at least i think so... if i am not pls some one tell me how much must be my lost percentage to become elite .


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