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17 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Leela misses a swindle#1

1k6/4R3/1p6/p1p3p1/qnBn2Qp/5P2/1P6/1K6 w - - 0 1 In this position Shredder (computer) found the swindle 46. Bb3! (... Nxb3 leads to draw by perpetual or stalemate after 47. Qf4!; while 46 ... Qb5 lead…

Game analysis - Kramnik v Kasparov or Leela v Stockfish?#1

This fascinating position is from K v K Zuric rapid 2001 Kramnik played Bxa6 sacrificing material, whe…

Game analysis - Computer says Blunder at move 19. Ok, but to me it was the winning idea in a pleasing game.#1

Game analysis - I had no idea I was in a lost position#1

If, as I have often heard, a 2 point disadvantage is the point of now return in a game, then I was lost after just 13 moves as Black. To me it's really difficult to see th…

Game analysis - Mistaken chess vision#1

I was sure in this game (I was Black) that after 10. ... Bxf3 I could finish the combination with 13. ... Qxf1+. Curious chess blindness. In my minds eye, the Bishop was a pawn. Strange.

Game analysis - When Best Play Is a Blunder#1 Around move 30 or so I played h5 as White. Looked for all the world like a win, because I pick up Black's e6 pawn mechanically. I thought that was clever. Superio…

Game analysis - Evaluation as important as calculation#1

In this game I was playing Black. I have recently begun to appreciate the importance of evaluation of positions. Especially in the openings, one must aim for no more than equality as Black. This is wh…

Game analysis - What is a mistake, blunder???#3

Thank you very much.

Game analysis - What is a mistake, blunder???#1

I played this game and was surprised when the analysis did not indicate that I blundered. I definitely did blunder my Rook. Does anyone know what technically is the distinction between a mistake and a…

Game analysis - 10 ... Qd4 or 10 ... b6. You decide! #1

I chose the quieter continuation. It wasn't an easy decision, because the outcomes where so different. What do you think?
