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30 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Not getting redirected#9

I don’t think I can help more than that, I’m sorry, but it’s probably a small bug that’s quickly fixed. I worry more about the icon of sending in the inbox, it’s... not as good as before (if I can say…

Lichess Feedback - Not getting redirected#7

a <div> tag is just a "box" (and does not serve as a reference in the page display) and the "id" attribute is just a name when linking the html file to a "file. css" (for example). If the id had been …

Lichess Feedback - Not getting redirected#3

way : profile --> settings (preferences) --> game behavior (and it's at the bottom of the page )

Lichess Feedback - Not getting redirected#2

I’m not sure if this is the origin of your problem, but in thesettings when this button is checked on "yes", there is a countdown of 3 seconds (can be a relation with the red button at the top right) …

Alex Rakipi - 2023 Atomic-Hyper Marathon! Registrations are open!#5

great idea :) I’m in for casual (but I would still play in rated). and for the date, from 5 a.m to 5 p.m UTC+0 (but same thing, i can adapt myself)

Lichess Feedback - Petition to change atomic chess rules.#9

Why not forbid explosions during the first 3 moves of the game, while the blacks have time to prepare a solid defense (the main white advantage is that of having the initiative)

General Chess Discussion - How Do you Feel when someone offers a Draw while you are Winning?#23

Two weeks ago in a OTB tournament, I was playing against a 1900 FIDE (I am 1300) and he made a blunder . So I found myself in a position with 1 rook and a queen against 2 rooks a knight and I accepted…

Community Blog Discussions - Is this a bug?#2

This is totally normal, given that the opponent had a legal move to play (if I’m not mistaken, this game was in crazyhouse, no? ). The opponent could put a piece or a pawn (taken before) between your …

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