
Search "user:daniellin110"

11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Make it possible to edit 3 move repetition or 50 move state in board editor#7

@Haymarket said in #6: > Whoops! I started from the beginning, lol. I went to the end and reproduced the error. > > The reason why the position is invalid is that in the FEN the half-move number is "1…

Lichess Feedback - Make it possible to edit 3 move repetition or 50 move state in board editor#5

@Haymarket said in #2: > How is that problem even possible? I choose your drawn game, go to board editor, click "continue from here", and everything's fine. If there was something wrong, I wouldn't be…

Lichess Feedback - Make it possible to edit 3 move repetition or 50 move state in board editor#1

I was playing a game with myself (practicing knight + bishop mate) but I reached the 50 move rule so the game automatically terminated. I wanted to continue so I went to the board editor and tried to …

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles should not change after refreshing the page#1

I enjoy looking at a puzzle, thinking for a while and then coming back to it later. But I can't because sometimes the page automatically refreshes and then the puzzle changes It's annoying

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle storm with flipped board#2

press f

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle disappeared#1

I was doing a puzzle and all of a sudden the page refreshed and it changed to a different puzzle. I can't find the one I was looking at just before, since it's not in my puzzle history. Pretty annoyin…

Off-Topic Discussion - If you had a superpower what would it be#7

Power to not blunder

Lichess Feedback - "|<" and ">|" buttons#7

@saurabhsangeeth said in #6: > So you are saying that Lichess should remove those buttons because you can't get a bit careful, > and its useful for many other users so think twice before requesting to…

Lichess Feedback - "|<" and ">|" buttons#4

@Player8091 said in #2: > It is probably problems with your phone, not with lichess I have no such problems On PC I sometimes accidently press the up and down arrows, which are shortcuts for "|<" and …

Lichess Feedback - "|<" and ">|" buttons#1

While I am in the middle of analyzing a game, I often accidently tap the "|<" or ">|" buttons (which take you to the very start or end). It is very annoying because I have to scroll through half of th…
