
Search "user:oldnewb"

58 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess set recommendations#10

I have this one in ebonized instead of rosewood. Very nice pieces and board: Same set, different website: https://ww…

General Chess Discussion - GM Magnus Carlsen wins fourth consecutive Lichess Titled Arena#50

Jerry's commentary following Magnus for the whole tournament was the best of them all. A must watch!

Lichess Feedback - New! Public chat room on homepage#24

Titled only because they would not be anonymous, at least to the site moderators. Public chat rooms are toxic because of the anonymity.

General Chess Discussion - CAPTCHA too hard#7


Lichess Feedback - New! Public chat room on homepage#12

For some reason, chat rooms bring out the worst in people...or just the worst people in general. Maybe if they offered a titled-only room, at least the professionals could talk and it wouldn't be too …

General Chess Discussion - Can you propose a mathematical formula to measure player credibility based on profile data?#8

My credibility would be incredible...

Lichess Feedback - Visiting Lichess for the first time#16

I think we're getting a little off topic here...if we were reading a book on Lichess in a brightly lit room, then maybe mdinnerspace might have a point. Maybe. This post was really about the best poss…

Lichess Feedback - Visiting Lichess for the first time#13

Thanks for the interesting info on eye strain MrCharles! Man I love this site!

Lichess Feedback - Visiting Lichess for the first time#10

Here's a fun query for Thibault and crew: Look at all active accounts at least 6 months old. Grab current profile background theme. Remove all results which have no background color change in the prof…

Lichess Feedback - Visiting Lichess for the first time#8

Had a feeling it was nonsense! Damn Trolls!
