
Search "user:davidovv"

88 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Double Dutch#16

I do appreciate your comment, @Sarg0n . Especially since you Germans do invade our country each and every summer. No wonder some Dutchies evade to your country - Germany. Is this balancing, or more? I…

General Chess Discussion - Double Dutch#13

Dear @TheKingClash , UK has in fact left the EU in the meanwhile. Trade and economy are affected. Citizen law is indeed affected as well, I'd say good chap.

General Chess Discussion - Double Dutch#10

So, in fact: you are Dutch. Living in the UK. Fine with me, but the question stands: are you at risk to be kicked out? Looks like it.

General Chess Discussion - Double Dutch#8

Dear @RiShAn001 , for sure it counts. You still are a Dutchie by law. On a side note: does the UK allow you to stay over there? I might be totally wrong, but as far as my info goes: that's not the cas…

General Chess Discussion - Double Dutch#6

Dear @HemaWorst, It's good to notice at least one of us Dutchies have indeed the courage to join in and speak up. I applaud your for that! There are many of us - not merely a few - over here at Liches…

General Chess Discussion - Double Dutch#4

Oh well. My fellow countrymen decided to keep hidden/will not join in. Probably because they are far to busy using the vacuum cleaner, taking care of the laundry, buying groceries, cleaning toilets at…

General Chess Discussion - Double Dutch#1

Merely out of interest: I just wonder how many Dutch members are aboard over here on liches. I do know some of them. Those Double Dutchies who are a member over here, please join in! On a side note: B…

Lichess Feedback - Donate!#7

I won't back off, dear @MrPushwood. Living in Andorra and no bucks to spare? Shame one you.

Lichess Feedback - Donate!#4

As far as replies come in for now: I merely asked for a consideration to donate. Those who did reply are no Patrons and prefer a free lunch; so be it. I for one sincerely do hope many other members ar…

Lichess Feedback - Donate!#1

Ladies and gents, Please consider donating to lichess. I'm fully aware many of us cannot affort it. Then again: many can, if only for a month, minimum 5 bucks/euro's. You do enjoy this free chess oppo…
