
Magnus wants 2900 ELO Rumors flying regarding defending World Title only if Fiourzja wins Candidates

I'm pretty sure carlsen actually nearly hit a 3000 blitz rating (FIDE) at one point - reached 2984!
? Magnus only reached 2882 peak rating, not 2984?
FIDE standard 2900 for Magnus would definitely be a cool point to retire, he has already proven everything he had to.

at this point it's just up to him what he wants to do, maybe he can go for FIDE blitz 3000 :D
I have a strange feeling that magnus might indeed retire for a few years in the near future then return to regain the crown. Something no one has done before.
Magnus isn't tired of chess, but tired of the format.
What would happen if Carlsen refuses to defend his World Championship Title if say Ding wins the Candidates ?
Ding won't even be in the candidates by the looks of things lol.
even a 2900 ELO would be super hard to reach, a 2882 ELO in the tactical puzzles is something amazing, it would be enough for him to reach 2900

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