
Higher rated players aborting games?

The last three times I have had white versus a higher rated player in bullet, they aborted the game and immediately started another game:

These games happened in a 10 minute span. For me, this is a frustrating experience, since I have less opportunity to be paired against stronger players. It also strikes me as rating manipulation on their part. None of the players logged off afterwards, and they continued playing games in the 1+0 pool.

I think there should either be a 1 minute cooldown to play a game after aborting a game or some kind of long-term penalty for systematically aborting games, because it's not fair to me to be playing players with a lower rating than me on average just because these players refuse to.

Have you had similar experiences?
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Of course they're free to set their rating preference limits before they queue up to prevent frustration from their opponents.
It's probably because you played 1. a3 against all of them. Some people see that as rude.
Brother, it depends from player to player. The reason players are avoiding lower-rated players because they want to have better practice against higher-rated players.
They simply don't see a point in playing a weaker player. If they win, they gain little, if they lose they lose a lot. I personally do the same because I don't find games against lower-rated opponents interesting.
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@pschessroom said in #3:
> Of course they're free to set their rating preference limits before they queue up to prevent frustration from their opponents.
how do you set your rating preference? I know you can do that for lobby games but can you do it for regular games?

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