
What do you do when you start your vacation?

Yesterday I finished my main annual tasks in engineering and chess. So I'll be on vacation for a month. Right now I'm drinking a can of Green Apple Bite Vodka and eating cookies. In a few minutes I'll watch a movie (it's 11:00 p.m. here). What do you do when you start your vacation?
I'll play Chess and do some Drawing , mind you , i draw the line at, actually travelling anywhere. :).
chess, sport, I read new books or fantasy books. I walk a lot and I do black and white photography with a Canon SLR. I play and watch football. but lots and lots of chess!
At earlier job...

Go to same restaurant within the office park, order a huge salad and wine. Relish that office issues would be someone else's responsibility for the next week.

Play some chess.

> What do you do when you start your vacation?

Well, my plans for vacation aren't fixed as they aren't particularly a consistent pattern, so to speak. Although, I can tell you that I usually take pleasure in finding solitude from time to time. Apart from that, i'm always down for positive, diverse & new experiences.
With the help of a trusted party I'll have a number of shirts & hoodies printed out and I'll wear 'em during the holidays just for the heck of it, as it's among a few things I've got in mind currently (not to mention chess).

The pic above shows a little collection of digitally-made designs featuring lichess' libre logo & other minimalist style artwork. I'd considered getting a number of original outfits made by lichess (via their swag-store), but unfortunately their collection lacks my aesthetic preferences and they apparently don't permit special/custom orders. So, as shown above, I took the liberty to apply a Champagne-gold lichess-logo and will have it printed out (by the trusted party) using a screen printed transfer system for personal use (as opposed to commercial purposes).

Happy holidays.
@Raptor-5 said in #8:
> ...

Do you mind DM'ing me who you're using for print services? Also your aesthetic here is amazing. You have a really keen sense of design.
Certainly not making threads. Just disconnect from everything.

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