
Not sure which white opening to use in incoming first USCF tourney

So I'm in my first USCF tournament in a couple of weeks, my question is as white should I play the Danish or Scotch game? I know them equally well, time control is game 40/5. Just not sure how much risk I should take on.
What are your favorite openings? Mine is the queens gambit. ;) But I also play the ruy.
Do not sack all your pawns. Play good chess. You can gambit but if your opponent puts good defense it will be all for not.
True, and in Danish I like to offer the two pawns. I'll probably play Scotch
Scotch probably has better options. But even this...even if your opponent plays the drawing line in the Danish, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is a draw - just that the sting is gone. If they don't play it, and you know the lines, you stand great chances to win if you are able to get a good attack. BUT...all things considered, if you know the Scotch well, I would just do that.
I'm playing a couple correspondence games as white with a friend using Danish and Scotch to see how I do, hopefully that helps me get to a conclusion
I like the King's Gambit. Give one pawn for active play... It can backfire though, if your opponent knows the ****** or the ******.

Don't wanna give away the antidotes. :)
I would to recommend you to decide at the board what you want to play. The danish gambit is very aggressive so if you want to "kill" your opponent go for it. They most likely won't know the theory so you can get an advantage. If you feel like playing more positional go with your scotch game. The theory is important to know there but after the possible fireworks you need to play good chess.

And don't forget to take a good look at the other openings. Especially the sicilian or the french which are often played as well.
@chennis #1

I think the answer is easy. For an otb tourney you should play opening lines that :

1) you like and feel comfortable with.
2) you are good at.
3) you score good results with.

Some chess players recommend switching to a new opening just before a tourney, but I think that can be a bad idea most of the time, unless you don't care about results and rating, and just want to have fun. Of course then you can experiment whatever you like.

But for opening line usage, it makes sense that you have played it in quite a lot of games, and you have determined whether the above 3 points apply or not.

To answer your question more specifically :
Danish gambit is not a particular dangerous gambit, unless black does not know how to deal with it. You could play it against weaker opponents of course.

Scotch game is quite a solid choice. You could play it against stronger opponents.

Please note that if you play 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 you should also be ready for the Latvian gambit (can be tricky), and the Elephant gambit, Philidor defense, and ... Petroff defense, and probably more.

... Good luck, have fun. Enjoy your chess !

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