
Upgrading lichess to scala3

I got another bug. So there is someone who I am following so it showed me that he liked my blog "ultrabullet" and when I clicked on the link there it showed a 404 page not found.
Big thanks... posted today's bugs hoping it helps.
Massive project. In awe you're doing it on your own.
Respect comrade.
Sometime yesterday correspondence games just stopped appearing in the menu at startup (the one next to 'Quick pairing' and 'Lobby'). Clicking on 'Correspondence' just gives a blank field. I even tried creating a new game there (twice), but nothing has appeared. Please try to sort this out -- correspondence is where I work on the deeper aspects of my game!
I do not know if this related to scala upgrade, but in last few days there looks to be some sort of internal lichess server lag on bullet games.
While i have constant ping for example to is 47-48 milliseconds and outside world ISP pings are smooth 4 ms, there are blackouts with game progress, startup counting and etc. often 3-12 secs are losts, then vivaldi or firefox shows reconnection and game proceeds.

It tends to affect even more game starting process, played just on short tourn and every game start had this "reconnect to server timeout some 5-12 secs"
So following up my previous reported bug, arena tournament points are being added, but completed tournaments are not showing up on profile page or list of tournaments - minor glitch, thanks for the work on the site
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regarding tournament trophies, the first, 2nd & third
its not showing anymore [using phone chrome]

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