
Resigning game when server crashes and loosing provision rating for nothing?

so this game I was playing on my Square off Pro board (DGT board) and Lichess apparently crashed for a bit and returned to find that I resigned because I "left" according to Lichess in what is obviously a clearly winning position for me. I mean it sucks to loose rating like this in a slow time control with provisional rating. I am pretty sure this probably has smth to do with the Square Off app API connect to lichess but sucks pretty hard as its already hard enough to find motivation to play slow time controls to push my rating closer to where I will actually play challenging games.
Discussed in discord after the question was posted here, so I’ll repeat the answer for others to read. Unfortunately we cannot refund the rating points.
@Deadban said in #3:
> What exactly would the "nothing" be? Are you asking something? If you want a refund let me tell you that it is not possible as per

While a refund was something I was hoping for as a possibility, I thought this must be some sort of a bug with the Square off API or on Lichess itself as the resignation came from a server crash, any way this was cleared up with M0r1 and I find the policy perfectly reasonable.

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