
Flagging is not a crime?

Ok I've just played this game and i think whats happened is a bit embarrassing for the game. FIDE rules have in thought flagging and it is up to the arbeiter and his judgement if there is a clear flagging intention and if the game has NO increment to end it in draw. But what about our blitz.Do you think there is a solution?
Doesn't matter, have more time on the clock next time. U can do the same thing if you are winning.
Playing with no increment is asking for an embarrassment to the game.
> FIDE rules have in thought flagging

Lichess isn't FIDE. We don't have to follow their rules for flagging.

If you don't want to get flagged, you'll have to play with an increment.
You are wrong. This is allowed in blitz according to FIDE rules.
@HillaryCilnton It's means to play on time, which is completely fine in blitz and rapid with no increment. It might be rule breaking in on FIDE regulated OTB games though.
Leeching points from a higher rated player by drawing against him (and not catching his king) can also considered to be 'a crime' if we use your jargon, so its just fair if he flags you.
"But what about our blitz.Do you think there is a solution?"

What the hell kind of question is this!?

The solution is to play faster or lose. It's blitz for fucks sake.

It's like you're suggesting you can play super slow in a 3+0, for 12 moves, and once you have a winning position think to yourself, "IT'S A DRAW! Since I ran out of time." Nonsense.

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