
what is the point of life?

if anyone knows why 42 is the meaning of the universe say you know it, but dont tell anyone why.

if you will tell someone the MICE will be angry
@guywexler said in #3:
> if anyone knows why 42 is the meaning of the universe say you know it, but dont tell anyone why.
> if you will tell someone the MICE will be angry
It has its origins from the phrase "We're all at 6s and 7s", meaning we're all at odds and evens. The origin of this phrase stems most likely from a 14th century dice game.
@Pi_Addict111 said in #4:
> It has its origins from the phrase "We're all at 6s and 7s", meaning we're all at odds and evens. The origin of this phrase stems most likely from a 14th century dice game.
I know another meaning of it, try googling it
It's not the answer, so I feel safe to say, 42 was a cool movie! ;-D