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23 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Castling doesn't display in Chess960 correspondance#4

Thanks for the response, flusio. Glad to hear is a known issue.

Lichess Feedback - Castling doesn't display in Chess960 correspondance#1

After placing the king over the rook, the rook disappears. It works fine on the analysis board.

Lichess Feedback - Auto-Switch doesn't work in Correspondance and doesn't toggle.#1

I tried with Submit move and instant Move and the page remained in the current game without switching.

Lichess Feedback - Chess960 Bullet Trophy and Tournament#1

As a player and a viewer of some of the titled youtubers, I would enjoy playing and seeing high-level games of this excellent but painfully overlooked variant. Perhaps a glowing trophy with a dice spi…

Lichess Feedback - Correspondance "your move" games to play#1

The number in the orange square never exceeds 9 despite there being more than 9 games where it was my move to play.

Lichess Feedback - Collaboration with Lucas Chess for training ideas#2

I would just like to add that I liked how it could help one's opening repertoire, described here:

Lichess Feedback - Collaboration with Lucas Chess for training ideas#1

As a Linux newbie, one free chess program I miss is Lucas Chess at There were many fun and interesting training exercises, and wonder if some could be integrated int…

Lichess Feedback - Hard to find Lichess Variant rules#3

Thanks tisnijh, I just noticed that after starting a game against the Stockfish. It might be cool if one could see the rules before playing a game though.

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence Tournaments#2

I would enjoy seeing this implemented if possible as well.

Lichess Feedback - Hard to find Lichess Variant rules#1

I was surprised how much I liked playing Atomic, despite my ineptness, yet I had a hard time finding the rules to this fun variant in the lichess site and had to navigate out of site. It might help mo…
