
Search "user:onesapien"

4 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - 16 Best Chess YouTube Channels#34

How the hell did you miss GM Benjamin Finegold ( His playlist on his channel and on Saint louis chess club are best content for under 1400 and / or beginn…

Lichess Feedback - Cloning entire broadcast (all of the rounds ) for personal study.#1

When my favorite players play in a tournament, I want to clone all the rounds of a broadcast to personal study to check them out , but doing them one by one is quite tedious. Is it possible to do it i…

Lichess Feedback - Broadcasting 29th Abu Dhabi Chess Festival#1

Masters section have a lot of strong and upcoming players. Would it be possible to have a broadcast for this tournament?

Lichess Feedback - Filter and Sort Capabilities in Studies#2

Hi, I also have similar issues. I wanted to search for an old tournament. But to sift through so many results is simply excruciating. Separating official broadcast into a diff category could be an ide…
