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35 forum posts
Game analysis - Hope chess at its finest.#2

very nice this is real chess, i wanna see more crazyhouse.

Off-Topic Discussion - AMA! I am a nocturnal "internet veteran" who also moderates a few other online communities and is learning to code.#2

how did thibault recruit you, what got your interest in lichess, what do you think of it?

Lichess Feedback - Why Lichess Didn't Promote Wesley So?#1

I've been online whole day yesterday, yet I haven't heard about this event. Be very honest!

General Chess Discussion - 1/2+0 Horde...#4

White can premove randomly, black has to keep up by premoving itself, so white can catch black premoving and promote from the flanks.

General Chess Discussion - Hardest Mate In 1 Puzzle Ever.#8

Who hates chess captchas and tries to solve by random checks?

Lichess Feedback - Realtime Puzzle Race Variation#1

Two players race two solve five puzzles each in realtime. Given the fact that chesstempo is way better, lichess can make use of it's realtime capabilities to close the gap.

General Chess Discussion - No one joins my simuls#18

It's mostly a technical issue, seeks that match the simul criteria have to fall under the simul. So if you open a 1 min bullet simul, all the seeking players would jump right into your bait!

Lichess Feedback - Tournament winners - clickable for fuller list#5

Of course! of course!

General Chess Discussion - 3 tabs open on a laptop with 4 GB of RAM#7

It's the secret lichess anticheat system, it detects you are switching windows while in a game, and it freezes your computer.

General Chess Discussion - how do i beat an engine?#12

> There must be a way to abuse the fact that an engine never makes tactical, strategical & positional mistakes! Yes there is! The engine will play the same moves in every same position. Learn a system…
