
Search "user:Scarblac"

22 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Request: search games by ECO code to make Chess Insights useful#7

@kettwiesel: thank you, it is indeed less trouble than I thought it would be to just scroll down until all games are shown, and then use ctrl-F. But still, it shouldn't be too hard to add this to the …

Lichess Feedback - Request: search games by ECO code to make Chess Insights useful#1

I'm trying to make use of Chess Insights. One of the default filters it has is "What is the win-rate of my favourite openings as white?". It points out that I play D37 (QGD) quite a lot but score very…

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Lichess Feedback - Opening transposition not indicated in move list#28

I've always thought that opening classification should be done by moving _backwards_ through a game -- the last position in the game that is in the opening database should be used. Also, I feel that S…

General Chess Discussion - Your opinion: time is up but win is forced #11

I am an arbiter. The game would be declared a draw if an arbiter were present. White obviously can't win, he failed to make his move on time. But as there is no series of legal moves with which black …

Off-Topic Discussion - programming#4

Programming is like chess (and lots of other things): studying isn't enough to get skills. It's not school. You need *lots of serious practice*.

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is not balanced#19

The entire point of a tournament is to find out who the strongest players of that moment in time are. So even IF this option particularly helps strong players, then that is a good thing.

General Chess Discussion - Knowing theory#17

As a 1400 player, it's good to play through annotated games, the kind that explains what is happening in detail, with words. Lots of such games. And then when you see openings you like, you try to pla…
