
Search "user:Redscales"

200 forum posts
Game analysis - Never give up#4

I mean you were never losing (at least in the late game). Even though you were down a ton of material, your 2 pawns were rolling quite far down the board and were always going to do some severe damage.

General Chess Discussion - Can I improve my bullet chess skills by practicing with stockfish 8?#8

They're not asking how to improve their chess, they're asking how to improve their bullet chess. Big difference. My opinion is to just keep playing games against humans. If you play against bots, not …

General Chess Discussion - sandbaggers#17

Lucky wins happen all the time... it is just sore losing if you think that a low rated player winning against you automatically means that they are a sandbagger or cheater. Sometimes you're having a b…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Grandmaster: What does it mean when gain 2500 Elo in Lichess Puzzles?#6

Nah, it isn't really proportional at all to real ratings. I'm not exactly sure why. Really, the only useful part of puzzle elo is to track your skill progress over time.

General Chess Discussion - Vienna gambit counter#4

I'm guessing it's one like this. At least in this position, when they play Ng4, you can play d4, stopping the bishop from hitting the f2 square and consequently stoppin…

Game analysis - Both sides made 0 inaccuracies and 0 mistakes#4

To be honest, I don't like 10 minute rapid games that much because I feel like it is a time control that asks for deeper analysis, but leaves you in time pressure too much. In this case however, I saw…

Game analysis - Both sides made 0 inaccuracies and 0 mistakes#2

After 12. g4 the knight is trapped. If 12... Nh6, then Bg5+. If you play f6, then exc6 gxf6 Bxh6. If you move the king onto the back rank, you get mated with Rd8#. If you move the king up, then Nd4+, …

Game analysis - Why does Bxh7+ work here?#6

It's a long term sacrifice to get an attack on the king. Even though you are down a bishop for 2 pawns, black's king is wide open, begging for an attack. On top of that, black's rooks are terribly unc…

Lichess Feedback - New game mode suggestion#6

I hope something like this gets implemented, it sounds cool. I feel like it would also be a great way to train a variety of positions. Assuming that all the games are casual, it isn't a new variant. T…

General Chess Discussion - I got over 1700 in bullet!#2

Nice! Keep pushing!
