
Search "user:Evy2015"

76 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - What is your most favorite Variant in Chess#19


General Chess Discussion - What is a good lichess rating?#31

My thought: 600-1000 starter/beginner 1000-1500 beginner/intermediate 1500-2000 intermediate 2000-2500 advance 2500-3000 titled 3000+ master

Lichess Feedback - Too many requests. Try again later.#5

@WookieCookies said in #1: > I do alot of coaching on Lichess. Often get this problem when trying to clone studies. Is there any workaround for it? Thanks I get it more than 5 times a day

General Chess Discussion - has anyone on lichess beat stockfish 8?#9

I have seen a lot of players beat stockfish level 8 no just titled players

Off-Topic Discussion - Why did you make your username?#43

@Mike14Gr said in #32: > for me, Mike is my name, when I created this I was 14 and I'm from Greece so Mike14Gr > but I had like 20 other accounts so chosing a username was not a challenge Why do you h…

Off-Topic Discussion - why is (-3)(-2) = 2 x 3#14

-3 is basically you took 3 apples and never gave it back?

Lichess Feedback - 2000 wins on Lichess#2

Congratulations !!!

Lichess Feedback - Using the same members for a different study#2

We you can add them in another study just like you added them in the other study

Lichess Feedback - resign button does not work#3

Maybe you should check your internet

Lichess Feedback - Bot Tournaments#10

@ChessXavi said in #5: > No, like if there are 51 players, 1 would always be unpaired. The tournament maker would add a robot, os that there would never be an unpaired player. Sometimes you have to wa…
