
Offline-online during game

Besides a flaky internet, any reasons why an opponent status toggles during a game? I was told that if you navigate away from the game but stay on lichess your status will not toggle.
Unfortunately, to much cases when my internet is ok, but something is with sight and my time is running, losing a 100% won position. Could you fix this ug? Thanks
I think it's because they're internet problems. But whenever someone leaves, there's something weird like, it only gives the opponent 10 secs to get back into the game. But most of the time, the game gives 2 min to my opponent. Pls fix this. Do a fixed timing ike 30-1 min.
@Aditima said in #3:
> I think it's because they're internet problems. But whenever someone leaves, there's something weird like, it only gives the opponent 10 secs to get back into the game. But most of the time, the game gives 2 min to my opponent. Pls fix this. Do a fixed timing ike 30-1 min.

Lichess gives x time for the whole game based on time control that time is for the whole game if they use it with a bunch of small disconnects so be it.
The reason for not just 30secs per move is people would abuse that by go offline for 29 secs come back play a move and again
@Jacob46 said in #2:
> Unfortunately, to much cases when my internet is ok, but something is with sight and my time is running, losing a 100% won position. Could you fix this ug? Thanks

That happens because you have a bad connection to the site. Just because other sites are fine does not mean your connection to lichess is. The internet is like a bunch of roads you may go from a to b just fine but from a to c there is a roadblock.
So, how the connection with lichess could be improved?
@Jacob46 said in #6:
> So, how the connection with lichess could be improved?
But normal not using wireless and getting better internet like fibre might help could just be how your traffic to lichess is routed which would be hell

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