
Question on functionality of green indicator light

On a recent @ChessExplained video, his opponent's green light indicator goes off and on several times during the game. Everyone in the comments to the video promptly accuses the opponent of cheating under the impression that the green indicator turns off every time a user tabs away from lichess or switches windows.

I was under the impression this light turning off indicated connection issues, and did not respond to window switching? It would be nice to clarify this so users don't mistakenly believe their opponent is cheating simply due to them having a shaky connection.
Next time you see your opponents green light turn off, hover your mouse over their name. If the rating popup window has a green light beside their name the opponent is still on the website, but does not have the chessboard in the foreground. You even get a chance to see their connection strength.

OTB Blitz games are fun to play. Internet chess games just don't have this effect.

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