
Stonewalling Stockfish lvl8 for easy draws (with white pieces, no takebacks, and ofc no cheating)

Draws: (this one have takebacks...)

Play a3 to delay stop queen side attack. Keep an eye in the b4 black break, but anyway stockfish tend to avoid it, instead it likes to close queen side once you break in e4.
Break in e4 for space.
Trade a knight if you can, or else they become too crumped when you shuffle pieces, lack of space.
Shuffle pieces careful. The takebacks from the first game was because careless shuffling.

Defeats. Things went out of control, or i blundered like a 1700 ~__~. Not always is wine and roses <:o):
My last 2: (in this one i asked for takebacks at the end when it was already draw, he did an unexpected maneuvering with the rook that could ve prevented, also i was short on time) (this have no takebacks, i even could gain advantage around move 28 after Stockfish plays Kh8)

I think with this i proved that is easy for a weak opponent (like me) to make easy draws (and even get an slight edge) against Stockfish (and probably, any other computer) playing white pieces with a "noob-proof" system like the Stonewall and without deep thinking.
I am confused as to why stockfish just blundered his knight at the end? And why it was a draw >_>
His last blunder is irrelevant, you cant exploit it. He does that blunder when the game ends automatically in his turn because the 50 move rule.

Maybe his way to say: "Lame draws... fuck you" ;D
This is very interesting.

I think it's possible to draw against it only because of the limited evaluation depth. Still, you played very solidly in these games, well done.

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