
Delete accidental casual game with friend from history?

Very new to lichess, mostly just using it to play against my dad. We played one game (I won), and then I was trying to show him how to start a new game and he accidentally challenged me to a timed game. We've been playing with unlimited time. So I resigned in order to end that game and walked him through how to challenge me to an unlimited-time game. He did that, but I was white and he was black. He wanted to switch colors. So I resigned again to end that game. Then we finally got it right and we are playing our second game. But now it shows that we've played a total of three games and that I've lost two--but we've only played one. I can't find a way to delete those accidental games from our history. Worried that I can't, which would be absolutely ridiculous. We're playing for fun and we just want to have our scoreboard reflect accurately.

Is there a way to erase those accidental games from our history? Thanks!
If both you and your opponent want to abort a game that's no longer on move 1 you can still take back moves until it's possible to abort.

But no, you can't delete finished games. That'd be ridiculous.
Just have your dad resign two (casual!) games. Problem solved 👍
Thanks for the replies everybody. Sounds like the work around is to have my dad resign two casual games so our score is even. Still doesn't seem right that we are going to have these accidental games in our history FOREVER. I understand that Lichess is primarily for competitive players, so it makes sense that game history can't be deleted. But what's the point of calling it a "casual" game? Means it won't affect your score right? So why can't you delete those? How about if both players approve? Like how requesting a "takeback" of a move in a game works?

A couple of ideas:

Put an "abort game" button under the "resign game" button in the iOS app.

Add a confirmation after you hit "resign game" that says "are you sure? this game will be in your history forever"

Make the iOS app UX a little more intuitive for people who are new to online chess and who are casual chess players primarily looking to just play with their friends.

Maybe make a universal "casual" or "private" mode where you know for sure that nothing you accidentally do will affect your score or go on your record forever. Games played in this mode can be deleted.

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