
Do you accept draws? Why (not)?

#21, I agree. Many people lower than my rating, and I am in a position where I am winning, offer draws to me. Of course I don't accept them, because of course I am winning. But in position where I may be losing, ONLY sometimes it makes sense to give a draw or accept one if they send me one.
No, because even if it looks drawn, still fight for the win. Example: And this wonderful quote by Nigel Short: “If your opponent offers you a draw, try to work out why he thinks he’s worse off.”
If im white and im winning/even, i dont accept draws, unless im very low on time and there is no reasonable way to get an advantage fast.

If im black, i do tend to accept draws more frequently regardless of the rating diff. Even getting a 3 move repetition draws if my opponent doesnt allow me to place a certain piece in a certain square (or opposite and he doenst want to trade).

So, i do try to win as white, but i avoid losing as black as much as i can, even if i have to accept a draw..
I never accept draws if you could hope your opponent blunders.

But that’s just luck I guess.
I accepts draw when my opponent is going to do house chores. But that never happen. :P

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