
I cannot play rated games

#11 I'm not seeing anything obviously engine use in those examples. They are purely theoretical and once again almost all a significant advantage out of the opening and capitalizing on opponent error and won before move 40. The one game that went long was completely theoretical all the way to the endgame that arose, anyone strong enough could have played it flawlessly.

Again though, I'm not a mod I don't have access to everything, nor am I a strong enough player to necessarily evaluate such things. However, if a weaker intermediate player like myself can see all the theoretical ideas being played surely they aren't improbable to find without engine assistance. Might be best to hold off judgement.
I don't see how those games were played using engine.
Game 1. My opponent plays a Najdorf and sacs a piece. I take it, trade everything off, sees a nice tactic, and wins.
Game 2. Up until around move twenty I was slighty worse. That does not happen if you are using a engine. So I trade down because a draw is fine (his rating is higher). I take his b-pawn and centralize my king. Then I push the c-pawn, but he does nothing to stop it! Also, if you think I used the engine after I was losing, you're wrong again. Look at my time. At the end I used MORE time. Not something a engine user would do.
Game 3. My opponent hangs a pawn then plays another mistake in the opening. I fail to take advantage of that. Then, on move 8, I see a interesting thing. My knight can go on E6 because the bishop pins the pawn! So I play Ng5. Then he takes the pawn and I double check to see if I miscacaulated. Indeed I did! After Bxg2 I was going to play Bf4. Then I realized my rook was under attack. So I thought for a couple of seconds, and I looked at the weak e8-h5 diagonal. So I played Bd3 to threaten Qh5. If he played g6 then I could play Rg1 and Nxh7 and Bxg6+.
no you look at the compuet analyze of your games.
0/0/0 1/0/0 cases=engine
#14 That is not difficult to get. All 2000+ will be able to get a 0/0/0 from time to time.

The games named here do not appear to be cheating. I mean if he is a 2200 or so, you know your openings.
Not to public but I will reveal to you and some other people. I have followed you.
Yeah, again I'm not a mod and don't have access to their tools but I'm pretty sure this was just a case of most of his slow games ending really quickly into the game because of opponents making some really bad mistakes. Of course his moves are going to match up with the engine if he's playing solid opening theory and accurately responding to his opponents' bad moves. His blitz and bullet games all look normal. It's just these handful of classical games, which don't even look suspect.
see even LM makes mistakes. even when weelsy so played here he did mistakes.

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