
*What are you grateful for today?

I'm grateful for Black Swan, posting 24 seconds before me. ^.^

I am NOT grateful that i am 4th place because i need medals
I am grateful that Bill Gates and Elon Musk did not ever get to determine what I thought or believed by convincing me to give them money to decide what I saw and heard by addicting me to social media as a loser substitute for reality.
Follow me and I will follow you.
I have a million facebook friends and I trust all of them with my parents' banking details.
I am grateful for winning the U9 Surrey Chess Mega final
I am grateful for Stuff
@Arya_Ponnuh said in #9:
> I am grateful for finding this
I am grateful to @Arya_Ponnuh for posting this 1 minute ago. Life changing.

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