
I cannot play rated games

After taking a good look on your insight I see one thing that may have flagged you as a "cheater" by lichess. However, I do NOT believe that the flag is justified, based on what I can see.

The most 'suspicious' thing comes from looking at win-rate of your fav. openings as black, were you have multiple 100% ers. However those stats are based on few games. Maybe an aggressive anti-cheat engine picked this up?

Hachi's numbers
Centipawn loss for blitz over 516 moves is 32.2
Centipawn loss for Classic over 691 moves is 28.6

For comparison here is my numbers,
Centipawn loss for blitz over 6767 moves is 38.5
Centipawn loss for Classic over 1992 moves is 33.3

Hachi's numbers thus falls under what I would expect a 2200-2300 to have. (Actually Hachi's rating seems to be heading into the 2300-2400 range )
In the first game, my opponent uses computer chess assitance. He is tagged. In the second game, everything was straightfoward. Also, it was blitz.
P.S thank you everybody! I can now play rated games :)
Especially thank you to:
LM Lightss
erikelrojo, as well (he's the mod that removed it). He said it was a mistake :)
Blatantly not a cheater. I do hope they apologised, and that those who said that you were will also eat humble pie.

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