
Stunningly beautiful

A stunning display of fireworks or drone light shows is extremely beautiful, captivating, and impressive.
I know it's not rare or uncommon
But it's really in a class by itself

A babys smile.
After reading @Dukedog's post #42, it suddenly dawned on me:

We need an emoji for "awwwwwwwwwwww...."

It should be created by somebody from the Gulf Coast, however. And they should eat some biscuits and gravy while creating it. And perhaps drink a splash of a famous beverage from Tennessee.
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Beauty is when you manage to eliminate your desires because you trust in God in the world to come. When you manage to improve yourself as a person and treat other people with respect. When you don't care what others think about you. In In this state, you can enjoy beauty in everyday life to the fullest.
Breathtaking beauty lies in the perception of the observer, so it's a subjective, perceptual experience.

This site is impressive, captivating and pleasing to the senses. It gives me a wonderful feeling of homeliness.
Thank you.
The half island Zeeland in the South of Netherland in the summer, with its beaches, architecture, historic places, gardens, fields and

Flowering Ipomoea "Heavenly Blue

Grillparzer Rose tree Garden in Vienna

Horse in gallop

Persian cats (with nose)

Neuschwanstein Castle

Chambord Castle

Chenonceaux Castle

Brigitte Bardot dancing Cha Cha

Aneurin Barnard or Colin Blunstone singing

Little kids giggling

A warm smile or look from a person you love

I could extend this list to "infinity"....

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