
Any Suggestions???

<Comment deleted by user>
@SD_2709 said in #3:
> Who asked?

Wasn't an answer to a question...was a statement of fact.
You obviously think that deleting your post renders it non-retrievable.
@obladie said in #4:
> Wasn't an answer to a question...was a statement of fact.
I meant who asked for your opinion? It doesn't add any value, furthermore this is literally off topic.

And no, it wasn't a fact, it was your opinion.
@SD_2709 said in #7:
> I meant who asked for your opinion? It doesn't add any value, furthermore this is literally off topic.
> And no, it wasn't a fact, it was your opinion.

You seem confused.
@obladie said in #8:
> You seem confused.
2 mins ago: @SD_2709 Posts in Off-topic forum
1 min ago: Someone says his/her opinion
30 sec ago: @SD_2709 goes furious awa confused
Now: others (like me) find ways to post something uninteresting

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