
Game aborted due to server update

I was playing a bullet game when I was suddenly alerted by lichess that an update was in progress. The game appears to have been aborted.

At the time I was up 20 seconds on time and 13 material points, with checkmate coming in a few moves (against a higher-rated player).

May I suggest that lichess does not allow new games to be started right before an update? This would prevent situations like this.
Yes, I was playing a 1/2 + 0 game and only received 15 seconds back, though the site was down for more than a few minutes and as soon as the game reloaded for me it said time was out... This caused me to lose this game and my points:
Although I won it should have been aborted like every other game has been
Yes, maybe they can give some sort of warning before actually updating. I was up on time and +4 material in a 50 move, almost hour long classical game (computer evaluation had me up 7.7) when the update began applying. The game ended up aborted, which is pretty annoying. Obviously updates have to be applied some time but some sort of heads up before hand would be nice.
It would help if we could know in advance when server downtime would be more than a few seconds (which isn't feasible).
I was playing an atomic game with groovejamma and lost due to server disconnection. It sucked
I was probably helped by the server update. I was playing rapid and my opponent lost more time than I did because the update lasted long. After that I was able to make a comeback and win the game. Maybe my opponent also lost concentration.
If they would announce on the day of the update that "lichess is going to be updating at so and so time today, don't start any games", it would be great.
Some warning would probably be nice. Having said that, as many people benefit from sudden disconnections as suffer, so it all balances out! :)

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