
Is Russia Committing Genocide in Ukraine? Here's What Experts Say

One does not simply rebel against liChess” you can not say you are, but big butt, I think it depends upon your way of doing what exactly you are doing, in our case it is rebelling against liChess like you may say something in chat that goes against liChess code or rules of chat or have a racist logo but both of those examples don’t just go against liChess but actually hurt other people plus I don’t think it’s a good idea to rebel against the exact thing that keeps us on our chessmen toes. That being said let’s get into the good stuff shall we? First of all liChess is not a place with lots of extra room for people who have viewpoints pointed at a certain group of people from a different country or place......... ENTER RACISM. Even if someone on liChess has hard negative claims against another race and sometimes it may be true in a specific way.....No matter what way you slice it that can NEVER EVER go for an entire race.
Crap I don’t have any more righting room sooooo... hope nobody gets mad at me but big butt, I’m gonna take this post down.........Wait what it’s already been posted nnnnnnoooooooo!!!!
I am not sure whether I got what you wanted to tell us, so sorry if it should be a misunderstanding, but to criticize a nation that started a cruel war against a souvereign nation and is violating international law has nothing to do with racism, I also do not rebel against lichess, lichess seems to share my point of view concerning this cruel war against Ukraine:

@Noodlezzz7502 said in #2:
> One does not simply rebel against liChess” you can not say you are, but big butt, I think it depends upon your way of doing what exactly you are doing, in our case it is rebelling against liChess like you may say something in chat that goes against liChess code or rules of chat or have a racist logo but both of those examples don’t just go against liChess but actually hurt other people plus I don’t think it’s a good idea to rebel against the exact thing that keeps us on our chessmen toes. That being said let’s get into the good stuff shall we? First of all liChess is not a place with lots of extra room for people who have viewpoints pointed at a certain group of people from a different country or place......... ENTER RACISM. Even if someone on liChess has hard negative claims against another race and sometimes it may be true in a specific way.....No matter what way you slice it that can NEVER EVER go for an entire race.
> Crap I don’t have any more righting room sooooo... hope nobody gets mad at me but big butt, I’m gonna take this post down.........Wait what it’s already been posted nnnnnnoooooooo!!!!
@AaronNZ said in #6:
> Don't post Russia-Ukraine things here. You will get banned. I learned first hand.
OMG! Who was banned for that???

@MrPushwood said in #5:
> Just what I always wanted to be: a genocide expert.
Thank you for your unrelated nonsense in another topic you felt obligated to visit.

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