
What is the meaning of life?

@Oportunist said in #1:
> what does life mean to you?please share your thoughts abaut that

You mean: What does life mean to you? please share your thoughts about that.
The correct answer can be from this:

Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream
@WassimBerbar said in #20:
> f you think life has no meaning, why not suicide?
What makes you think that you have to die if there is no purpose to life? All life on earth has been here for a few billion years, all without purpose, and none of them has decided to just die. Thats a stupid statement. And you should be banned for promoting/implying self termination.

Let me dumb it up for you again, as everything I say, though its not guaranteed that you get even get the toddler version.
There is no intrinsic meaning to life. Of all the properties it has, meaning is not included one among them. It doesnt mean it cant have one, but it does not come with one preloaded.

As sentient beings, you can give meaning to it if you want. Or you can decide to not give it one. But it doesnt have one as is. Nature has no meaning, it just exists and it just happens. There is no intent nor purpose behind it.

Non sentience has no concept of meaning. Sentient beings created that concept because we do things with intent/meaning/purpose, but we try to apply it to everything, even some things/events dont have one.

There is no evidence for nature's intent/meaning/purpose. If you claim the opposite. Prove it.

>You just did to me your usual baseless mental gymnastics, basic hypocrisy.
I can show you examples of your hypocrisy.

>You just spoke absurd stuff and try to lower my status
What? You have no status. Though its funny you thought you had one.

>This is miserable thinking, originating from atheism.
Atheism has no take on that. Atheism is skepticism of a claim about a diety that has no evidence for it. I already said this over 10-15 times already, and you keep giving it more philosophical meaning that what it actually has.

>I don't undrstand why you wouldn't think like that if you're atheist.
I dont understand what that sentence even means. But whatever that means is not related to atheism, unless you claim that the meaning/purpose comes from a higher creator, which you would have to demonstrate and fail miserably in the process.
@sdkman said in #10:
> This isn't life
> From my perspective God said in the Quran:
> He will say, "Oh, I wish I had sent ahead [some good] for my life."
> Showing that this life isn't life in itself but just an exam for the actual life.
> But if we refer to this current exam as the question you asked, it is an exam, an exam where we must obey God and worship him and do good and avoid bad, although even that life is an exam, it doesn't stop us from enjoying life
> Following the middle path is a virtue
> In my religion Islam one shouldn't spend all his life without enjoying it, and shouldn't also enjoy it and forget the true meaning of it
> In other words moderation
> So in summary for me the meaning of life is first working for heaven first place, then enjoying life with family both laments and your own children
> Again this is my perspective aka the religious one, I am not imposing it on anyone, I am pretty sure some people will start saying I am imposing it... so better warning lol

Wow, my friend. As a Muslim myself, i agree whole heartedly. :)
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