
How many score does the Stockfish with any level Have?

Uh... I beat Stockfish lvl. 2 for a long time, but I can't beat Stockfish lvl. 3.
@Ludo2001 said in #4:
> lvl 2 = ~ 1100 Elo
> lvl 3 = ~ 1400 Elo
No way. My daughter with ~600 lichess rapid rating beats Level 2 easily most of the time. Actually, I'm trying hard to talk her out of playing Level 2 because way too often it lets her do things that she would not get away with against a human player.

I really wonder where these unrealistic rating estimates keep coming from...
Well, that's certainly not true for what lichess offers as "Level N" when I start a game against a computer, as far as I can say. I played Level 5 few times and while it does not blunder pieces every few moves like the lowest levels, it wasn't really hard to win either. I would estimate Level 5 as perhaps something like 1400-1500 lichess rating, not more. Definitely a completely different experience than playing ~2000 rated players on lichess, not to mention 2000 (FIDE) ELO.
@mkubecek yes it's true, even if I never play against Stockfish I think the information is false, to help Beta123Alpha321, when I found this source I copied and pasted it, without checking if it was consistent, I think I am at fault , but this is also the fault of whoever wrote the blog.
I have the same experience. I can usually beat Level 4 fairly easily, but Level 5 Stockfish seems to be reading my mind and always outwits me. I'm sure my Elo is less than 1000, though.
My feeling is that the jump from Level 4 to Level 5 is huge. Does anyone else feel that? Or is it just that I feel that way because Level 5 always beats me?
It depends on the time control.

Lichess's computer opponents do not think longer during long time controls. As such, they play moves that roughly as strong, regardless of whether they're playing bullet or classical.

Stockfish 1 is very weak classical player, but a very strong ultra bullet player.