
Why does every player I play have a cheater sign?

I also signed out and I have a cheater sign but when I sign back in I don't
Hahaha all the cheaters have a cheater sign because cheaters only generally get to play other cheaters.

The reason you don't have one when you are signed in is because the cheater sign is to warn other players that you are a cheat.

Yes, there are that many cheaters here. Apparently, you are one of them.

Think of it as being a bit like Planet of the Apes, or heroin addiction. You can't see the problem when you are inside it, or part of it.
"Think of it as being a bit like Planet of the Apes, or heroin addiction. You can't see the problem when you are inside it, or part of it."

How can a person cheat without knowing they cheat? o.O
It give notice to fair players not to waste their time with people like you...
Mike (Dionysus_god) I didn't say a person can cheat without knowing.
Whenever a cheater posts to the forum, it's important to their psyche that they act as if they're not a cheater.
They believe that if they put on a good enough show, the lichess community will disregard the fact that they're cheaters, even though the "cheater" tag is on their account :D
We shouldn't have told him he was, himself, a cheater. Now he's just going to create a new account and cheat again. We should've let him play against cheaters, ad eternity.

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