
Is JannLee a GM?

In his account his name is given as Justin Tan. According to Wikipedia, he is a GM. But he uses LM title. Is he a GM and uses LM title just for fun?
He is a GM. ( @ ) Justintan - is the GM Tan )

( Edit - Oh I thought he was the GM Justin )

Sorry guys..
no, he's not using it for fun he's got a hit. So I think WIKIPEDI said it wrong. If it has the title LM it has the title LM
Justin tan is a gm, but he prefers the LM title more than GM title in lichess.
There are too Justin Tans Tan is a common surname btw.
Jannlee is this guy born in 1985 Last Fide 2286
Just some small extra info :
Imo he could be higher rated i assume if he didn't stopped early But Australia imo is not the ideal place for playing chess tournaments gotta travel so much there for tournaments and he decided stick on early age i think around 14 mainly to playing crazyhouse and bughouse online :)
Thanks for clarifying. So, Jannlee is Justin Tan rated 2200+ and there is a GM Justin Tan as well. Also, have you guys noticed Catask closed his/her account? Anyone knows why?"

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