WFM orisko Lichess coach picture

WFM Lucia Sevcikova

There is no success without consistence.

LocationŽilina, Slovakia
LanguagesEnglish (US), Slovenčina, Čeština
RatingFIDE: 205123112151
Hourly rate20€, my email:
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello, my name is Lucia Sevcikova, a WFM from Slovakia, I´m 18 years old and I´ve been playing chess since I was 4. Since then, I´ve played many international youth competitions and was successful in some of them, I´m looking forward to pass my experiences and chess knowledge on my students.

Playing experience

I´ve been playing chess for 14 years now and I took part in many tournaments. I got my WFM title at the age of 11 and my biggest success was winning Eupean Union Championship G14 and winning Girls Slovak Championships multiple times.

Teaching experience

I´m a chess coach at a local middle school for over a year. Before teaching there, I´ve had multiple students that I was teaching online for more than 2 years and they´ve made a big progress during that time.

Other experiences

I´m also a chess streamer and blogger, you can find me in a shared twich account - queen_watcher or as a blogger on webside I also have some experience in teaching math and english.

Best skills

My strongest skills in chess is being able to get an advantage out of an equal positions and defending worse positions. I´m good at teaching kids and beginners and help them improve.

Teaching methodology

Depends on each student and on the goals he/she has. I also offer sending analysis of your games or opening repertoires.